
The tour was awesome. I couldn;t be asked for better. Awesome tour. guide who was knowledgeable about all the tour sites. Driver was very friendly and warming. The city tour was great especially the cultural performance. I would recommend Blue Mongolia to all.

~ Kou Yang, USA

Travel Tips

If you are going to travel in wintertime, highly recommended to wear: Warm clothes like warm sweater with waterproof and wind protection, winter snow coat, warm socks, hiking boots with waterproof (for walking in snow), warm gloves, scarf, winter hat, sunglasses and so on..

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Generally, Mongolia is relatively safe country for foreigners; there is no terror, no misunderstanding between religious people and no civil war. Cities are mostly safe; however, as in other large cities, you may face some street crimes particularly in Ulaanbaatar and especially late at night. In the countryside, foreigners feel much safer because the nomadic people have more respect for travelers.

Pick pocketing is the most common incident for foreigners. So before your arrival to Mongolia, it is advised to be insured for theft and accident. Mongolians think foreigners and tourists are rich and are carrying lots of cash or other property. Therefore, keep an eye on your belongings in Ulaanbaatar to avoid from pick pocketing, especially in the crowded places: in the public bus, shops, and markets, in touristy places and in the street.

Some tips to caution you:

- Although it is safe, if it very late evening, please hire the taxi instead of walking on downtown streets.

- It is better to avoid homeless dogs in the city and town streets. They can bite you, when you like them and want to touch them.

- Please, Take caution if offered marmot meat.

- Before sailing and rafting, please, dress the life jacket.

- Before horseback riding, please, listen to your tour guide insruction. Please, Check that saddle is comfortable for you and stirrip is suiting for you or not. If it is the first time to ride horses, have a double check with your guide that horse is gentle and it is easy to stop him.

- Before crossing river and swimming, please, consult with you guide about the deepness and safety.



Blue Mongolia Tour has been offering innovative journeys since 2003, and through this time, we have been consistent in our approaches, even the numbers of possibilites have grown dramatically:

- You will travel to remarkable regions of Mongolia that are rich in nature and in their culture and history. These are minor ethnic groups and tribes, who are living in far remote wild places, which a few people are fortunate to visit in their lifetime.

- You will learn so much, because our tour guides are very special people, who care about your knowledge, interest and comfort. They are supremely knowledgeable, talented and also great at conveying what they know. They will help make your journey tremendous fun and intellectually satisfaction. For instance: Special speeches on several topics will be presented by tour guide. When you are travelling in Gobi desert, you will see lots of dinosour bones and eggs, which is kept until today...


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Tel worldwide: 976-9031 7272, 976-88807160
Tel domestic: 976-70110823
Fax: 976- 7011 0823
Skype: Blue Mongolia Travel agency

Ulaanbaatar Time Now (GMT+7):
Our Office hours is 9:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday.

Write and send your request at:
info@bluemongolia.com, service@bluemongolia.com

Post address:
Reciepent 90317272, Building 80, Ikh Toiruu Street, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar 14192, Mongolia