NORTH PART OF MONGOLIA1. Khuvsgul Lake National Park 2. Amarbayasgalant Monastery 3. Uvs Province |
How to get:by jeep: 820 kms and 2 nighst 3 days driving, by airplane: 3 hours
Khuvsgul Lake national park was designated as national park to protect the cultural and ecological integrity of the region, which has been jeopardized by miners and traders. Nudging into the belly of Siberia , the region is well known for its wild mountains with snow caped peaks, alpine lakes and shamanism cradle land. The national park comprises emerald green lake Khuvsgul , curative springs, rugged mountain ranges, snowcapped peaks, millions of evergreen trees. This is very rich flora and fauna such as deer, sable, bears, beck and delicious berries, mushrooms.
Khuvsgul lake
Khuvsgul Lake is renamed “See Mother” by Mongolians as an honor of its beauty and majesty. Lake Khuvsgul /136 km long, 36 km wide, 267 m deep, 1645 me above see level/ is considered the second oldest pristine water lake, having been formed 7-8 millions years ago. It belongs to the same geological system as Baikal, only 250 kms away and the lake is called the sister of lake of Baikal.
There are 4 marvelous islands, which is a home of thousands birds and called the earth navel. The lake houses 9 species of fish such as omoul, Siberian white fish and grayling. A small ferry called Sukhbaatar occasionally crosses the lake from one village to another village on the lakeshore. It has pristine drink water, therefore, water is always cool and there is no possibility to swim in many cases.
High mountain peaks
Horidal saridag strictly protected area is created in 1997to protect the high mountain wilderness, critical to the survival of the mountain wild sheep and Siberian ibex. The mountain ranges in the west of the lake is elevated over 2000 meters above see level. At the northern end of the lake, forming the border between Mongolia and Russia , are famous Sayan mountain. Here the highest point is Monkh Saridag at 3491 meters above see level.
Native residents-Shamanists and Tepees
In the surrounding area of the lake some considerable different ethnic groups such as Darkhad-shamanists and tepees are living without modern urban lifestyle. They are living in their own tents and tent shaped houses, having herd domesticated reindeers and yaks- horses through thick alpine forest and forestry steppe. The Darkhad-shamanists keeps the heritage of ancestral culture based on shamanistic rituals, which is spirit of heaven and earth worshipping is still powerful here.
Deer Stones monument
On the way from Moron town to Khuvsgul lake, it is good fun to pass through Uushig and Hudaga valleys, where are kept ancient deer monuments and circle shaped graves dated to 6-3 B.C. By today app.550 deer monuments were found on the world and but major of them -450 monuments are kept in Mongolian territory. The Uushig and Khidaga valleys' monuments are the well kept complex of monuments and craves. It is amazing to see clear shapes of the ancient carvings.
Dayan deerkhiin cave
Dayan Deerkhiin cave is located on the east of Khuvsgul lake and east bank of Tsagaan Uur river. The cave is the ancient and well-known pilgrimage site, where deified shaman was venerated. Dayan Deerkhii was shaman, who was turned into a spirit of the surrounding stones and hills. The 30 meter long cave is very popular for its more than 10 side galleries, dozens of openings and mineral spring. The most remarkable sight is big Buddha paintings on its walls dated to XVI century.